How Can a Pedophile Protect children?
1. First you have to admit to your self what you are and understand that even if you are feeling safe, you can at anytime become a monster and abuse a child.
2. Learn to recognize what your ideal victim looks like, acts and what it is you find attractive.
3. When you find yourself in a situation that could put you and a child at risk, Get the HELL out.
4. The tough part. You need to get into therapy and name your behaviour.
5. The tougher part. You need to make certain people in your life are made aware of your behavior and make a plan to always be on guard for the clues that you might be walking into unsafe places. This could be a spouse, friend, brother, or a sister that knows what you are and is willing to keep an eye on you and remind you when you find yourself in situations that you could be putting yourself at risk of offending.
6. Find a group therapy for sex offenders, preferably for Pedophilia, because these are the people who have been around the block and will be your best best for helping you to control yourself and setup a plan and in a nut shell, they'll know when your bullshitting and set you straight.
We are not asking you to wear a label on your forehead. You can do this! You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to keep children safer